Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blonde Moment Of The Week!!!

Sorry so late guys! So here is the blond moment of the week:

Me: "Wow! Look! We parked next to each other!"
Ashley: "Yes Kristy...we walked in together..."
Me: "Oh yeah...that's right..we did..."

(Us going to our cars from Alpha course at church)

It seems like all of my blond moments occur at church....God likes a good laugh now and again :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Song Of Encouragement

This is one of the songs sung at church today that I got a lot out of..especially at this time in my life where I need strength and hope and love.. I hope after you read these lyrics that it connects to you somehow like how it connected to me...

This Is Our God

A refuge for the poor,
a shelter from the storm: this is our God.
And He will wipe away your tears,
and return your wasted years: this is our God.

So call upon His name,
He is mighty, say, this is our God.

A father to the orphan,
a healer to the broken: this is our God.
And He brings peace to our madness,
and comfort in our sadness: this is our God.

And this is the One we have waited for.
This is the One we have waited for.
This is the One we have waited for.
Jesus, Lord and Savior, this is our God.

A fountain for the thirsty,
a lover for the lonely: this is our God.
He brings glory to the humble,
and crowns for the faithful: this is our God.

You are the one.
You are the One we have waited for.
You are the One we have waited for.
You are the One we have waited for.
Jesus, Lord and Savior, this is our God.

Yes You are.
We have waited for You.
The only one, the only one.

Blonde Moment Of The Week

I'm Baaaaaack!! Lol Okay so here is another one of my ever so many blond moments:


Here is the story behind this: I was talking to one of my friends about the military and for the life of me I could not think of the word "tank", so in my mind I was grasping for anything descriptive to have the person think of tank when I was talking....so, what did I come up with??

Cannon Car!!! As in: "Hey, you know that huge thing the military drives around with that huge cannon thing on it....you know, a cannon car???"

And I look at my friend and he just starts cracking up and says: "You mean a Tank?!" LOL..

Next thing I know he says i should make a graphic tee with a tank on it and "Cannon Car" on the front!

Ya know......... that just may work :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blond Moment Of The Week!

This is the maiden voyage of a weekly post that I am excited to start! For 2 reasons : 1-They are funny memories 2-They are documented finally!!

Okay...so here it is... the first blond moment of the week!

"It's like a diet in my mouth!"

Now here's the back history on this moment...

Im my last post i went into detail on how this came about...but the short and sweet version is that we had a little to drink and we decided to try out a diet chew to see if it worked and how it tasted...needless to say this is what i said about it...lol enjoy!

Come back next week for the next one!!

Pampering, drinking, and Twilight ..OH MY!!!

I must start out by saying that this is mt first time at hosting a party...now this isn't an average party that you might think of going to, but it was just what the doctor ordered if you are someone who works daily at pampering people...we need love too!

It was an Arbonne party where we soak or feet in silky feeling water while we try out facial products that make your face feel like butter...but without the cholesterol. And the whole time we are doing this, we are enjoying a good drink and some of my now-famous taco dip!!! I decided to take some pictures to highlight the before, during , and after of this occasion! And let me say...what a night it was! lol.

This pic is Ashley and Maegan setting up al of the wonderful products we are about to use...and no, she is not eating the body butter lol.

Once the girls arrived we begun by using a sugar scrub on our hands and then soaking our feet in tubs with a detox solution and pretty rocks :)

We played a little "question" game with these diet chocolate chews by whoever asked the most questions and receives the most chews gets to pick a prize at the end of the night! Well, since only two girls came each of them left with a gift for different games..You gotta love a 50% chance of winning! lol.

Nice picture of Kieu and Beth who were here to partake in the party! And below is a pic of my cat Tiny who was acting like one of the girls! Spa kitty wants to soak too! lol

By the end of the evening after everyone left we cleaned up and decidie to put in a movie! And of course we picked the movie Twilight!!! OMG! I love this movie lol...so when you watch this with a bottle of wine it gets even better! lol. Plus this is when blond moments happen! Yes...i had yet another moment..and this moment was so hilarious that it causes Ashley and i to laugh uncontrollably for a good ten minutes!..Now that's what i call a moment!

So here's how it went down...you remember the chocolate diet chews we handed out as game pieces? Well one of the girls "left" one on the table so Ashley decided to try it out..you know to see how it works and especially how it tastes... Well we each took a bite and started chewing, and to be honest it tasted like salt water taffy you would get from the beach! It was very chewy, so after most of it was gone i prompted to say my blond moment...get ready..

"This is like a diet in my mouth!"

OMG.....we could control ourselves after that! Now i am not sure if it was hilarious because of the help of the wine or even if it was because of the time of night it was, but let me tell you, it was the funniest thing we both heard in our lives! So after our stomach muscles eased up and we were able to breathe normally, we continued to watch the movie....then play a wonderful game of Wii Fittness!

Lets just say this was a great and memorable night for the both of us that we will never forget....or I will never be let to forget!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saving the Planet One Bag at a Time

Today everyone is trying to find ways to "be green" or "go green". This is an amazing mindset to have in order to save this planet we call home. Different ways to go green is to change all of the lightbulbs to more energy efficient bulbs, or to unplug your cords to conserve energy...or to even use less of certain things in your every day life. One day i thought of a way for me to go green..

I made purses!! Yes, recycled purses that will help save a tiny piece of this planet! i make these purses out of recycled plastic bags (eg: chip bags, coffee bags, ect) and turn these once normally thrown away items into something new and beautiful to be used over and over!

I actually started to make these because i wanted something to do while i watch tv or a movie..you know to keep my hands busy. I also needed a clutch to take to Vegas that was durable, water resistant, and if anything were to happen to it,i wouldn't be heart broken..so my wheels were spinning and i came up with a template to cut all of the plastic into strips. From the strips i fold them a certain way to connect them and eventually make a zig-zag pattern. I take these strips and sew them together so that there is no seam and everything is sealed shut! I then attach a zipper, which is the only thing i buy for the purses..and lastly, i make a chain out of beads i have lying around! I have actually started selling them at a shop down town in York, called Sweet Melissa's Dream.

I think as long as we all try to do something eco-friendly, that we will save our planet from slowly turning in to a huge landfill! We Can Do IT!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time For A Snack!!!

So today I decided i wanted to try my hand at making a sweet treat(no pun on words) called Buckeyes. What is a Buckeye? Well the real buckeye is a nutlike seed off of the Horse Chestnut tree in Ohio. This little nut, according to folklore is considered good luck if you carry it with you!

Or you may be talking about the Ohio State Football team which is nicknamed The Buckeyes....

I on the other hand am talking about the delicious treat that has the appearance of the tree nut. What makes this treat so tasty you ask? Well...it is made up up peanut butter, powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, and a little pinch of salt. And you take all of those ingredients, mix them up, and then roll them into little balls and chill for half an hour. when they are nice and chilled you melt chocolate and dip the peanut mixture in 2 thirds of the way.let them chill in the fridge and there you have it!! A yummy treat!

Ive always loved to cook and try to make new things so i guess the first thing is getting the ingredients together then getting up the nerve to actually MAKE it, lol. It usually takes about 5 seconds to get that nerve and replace it with excitement in making something new! LOVE IT!! hahaha. Dave is usually my guinnea pig when it comes to my crazy ideas (which is one reason out of many on why i love him), but i am always looking for more test subj..er lovely people to try my food! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Am I Seeing Double???

Okay.....So Let me start out by saying Tonight at Liquid was amazing!! What is Liquid you ask? Well it is a get together every tuesday night for twentysomethings who want to have a personal connection with God..Amazing stuff! So...I go with a few friends and we had a great time...until the last 5 seconds, where I had yet another blond moment. YES! ANOTHER ONE!! Haha.

Okay this is how it happened...Me and my friend Ashley come walking out and we are talking as usual, until we are a few feet away from the door. As we are slowly walking up, i look outside and I see this girl walking from the outside in...totally normal you think...well, you aren't taking in to consideration that this is me you are talking about :) I stop and almost speak out loud to my friend to tell her what im seeing, but i FORTUNATELY stop myself...I was going to say that the girl that is walking in from the outside has on the exact same jacket as my friend....and then i think...wait. What im seeing is the reflection of my friend in the glass walking toward us because WE are walking TOWARD the door!! LOL! I almost crack myself up and I eventually tell Ashley what i was thinking...The response she gives: "that is why i love you Styra!!"

So that I must say was the perfect ending to a wonderful night...a 100% authentic blond moment brought to you by yours truly :) Thank you i will be here all week!

What's In A Name???

So..What's in a name you ask? Well, lets start with mine :) Now my normal God-given name is Kristen Nichole Alspaugh. I also go by Kristy, Kris, and only by my father will i respond to Critter... But as you can see I didn't choose that as a blog name..which was very hard to figure out. Lol. I ended up using Styrafoam Trees because that is a tribute to one of the many Blond moments this little lady has had in her 24 years of life. How many blond moments can one person have?? Haha well i could probably fill an entire book with mine! Lets start with the name of this blog..Styrafoam trees....

Styrafoam trees came about when i was a waitress at a little place called Hooters..now, I can say that i usually say something before i think it through, which usually gets the best of me..lol. And that happened here... One evening when i was at the bowling alley playing on our Hooters bowling league, i was a little thirsty and went to the concession stand to get a drink. Well if you ever went bowling, they have very unuaual size cups! There is a small which is very small, then it shhots up to a ginormous container fit to quench the thirst of the whole bowling league! I was pretty thirsty so I decided to pick up the big daddy cup. I proceeded to go back to my team (full of Hooters associates) and sat down. Now I am a funny person so i like to joke around with my crew, and usually when that happens, blond things come out, and at times when i'm being funny and not blond, people perceive it as a blond moment. I wanted to be funny and say something about the size of the cup, so i proceeded to tell a joke, as usual.. i said "I wonder how many styraoam trees they had to cut down in order to make this cup" Well, you can imagine what response that would entail! They for sure thought i was being serious and started calling me styra! So from that day forth, i am known as Styra :)

Now that was one of the many blond moments that I will probably share with you...like i said, i could fill a book..i just have to remember all of them! lol. And THAT is what friends are for!!!