Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's In A Name???

So..What's in a name you ask? Well, lets start with mine :) Now my normal God-given name is Kristen Nichole Alspaugh. I also go by Kristy, Kris, and only by my father will i respond to Critter... But as you can see I didn't choose that as a blog name..which was very hard to figure out. Lol. I ended up using Styrafoam Trees because that is a tribute to one of the many Blond moments this little lady has had in her 24 years of life. How many blond moments can one person have?? Haha well i could probably fill an entire book with mine! Lets start with the name of this blog..Styrafoam trees....

Styrafoam trees came about when i was a waitress at a little place called Hooters..now, I can say that i usually say something before i think it through, which usually gets the best of me..lol. And that happened here... One evening when i was at the bowling alley playing on our Hooters bowling league, i was a little thirsty and went to the concession stand to get a drink. Well if you ever went bowling, they have very unuaual size cups! There is a small which is very small, then it shhots up to a ginormous container fit to quench the thirst of the whole bowling league! I was pretty thirsty so I decided to pick up the big daddy cup. I proceeded to go back to my team (full of Hooters associates) and sat down. Now I am a funny person so i like to joke around with my crew, and usually when that happens, blond things come out, and at times when i'm being funny and not blond, people perceive it as a blond moment. I wanted to be funny and say something about the size of the cup, so i proceeded to tell a joke, as usual.. i said "I wonder how many styraoam trees they had to cut down in order to make this cup" Well, you can imagine what response that would entail! They for sure thought i was being serious and started calling me styra! So from that day forth, i am known as Styra :)

Now that was one of the many blond moments that I will probably share with you...like i said, i could fill a book..i just have to remember all of them! lol. And THAT is what friends are for!!!

1 comment:

  1. To this day... I believe you were serious. And that will never change!! I love you Styra!!
